By remembering the Ryedale Festival in your will, you can help ensure that future generations will continue to be inspired by live music.
Every gift, no matter how small, will support our work to bring great music to beautiful Yorkshire places and nurture the next generation of talented performers.
Legacies can be made to the Ryedale Festival (Charity No. 1117355) by way of cash, shares or property. They are free from Inheritance Tax and may also reduce other taxes. We can help by recommending a local solicitor, providing a suitable wording for a new will, or a codicil form to amend an existing will.
For a confidential conversation about your plans and wishes, please contact Mark Gerrand-Jones at
We appreciate you may prefer not to tell us about your gift. But if you are happy to share your intentions we would like to say thank you and will be pleased to help if you would like your gift to be acknowledged by some form of recognition.
Thank you for helping us to ensure that live music will continue to inspire generations to come.
All information provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and does not commit you in any way, but simply gives us an indication of your current plans.
I give the sum of [sum in words] pounds (£ [sum in figures]) to The Ryedale Festival Trust Ltd of The Memorial Hall, Potter Hill, Pickering YO18 8AA (Registered Charity no. 1117355) (“the Charity”) for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or other appropriate officer for the time being of the Charity shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
I give [percentage in words] % [percentage in figures] % of the residue of my estate, to The Ryedale Festival Trust Ltd of The Memorial Hall, Potter Hill, Pickering YO18 8AA (Registered Charity no. 1117355) (“the Charity”) for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or other appropriate officer for the time being of the Charity shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.