Sponsor the Festival

The Ryedale Festival is widely recognised as one of the most brilliant and enterprising festivals in the country, with an exciting future ahead. Festival supporters can sponsor the Festival in general, a series of concerts, specific concerts or artists.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities at the Ryedale Festival please contact us.

Individual Sponsorship

Sometimes donors wish to be associated with specific concerts or artists. This can be recognised in the official programme and bespoke packages can also be arranged. For example, donors sometimes wish to sponsor a concert given by a specific performer, or to have a festival concert dedicated to the memory of a loved one.

Individual sponsors can be recognised in the official programme and bespoke packages can also be arranged. For example, donors sometimes wish to sponsor a concert given by a specific artist, have a concert dedicated to the memory of a loved one, or mark a special anniversary or occasion.

We now also offer the opportunity for syndicate sponsorship, whereby a group of supporters may club together to sponsor a particular event, artist or piece of music. Syndicates can be of any size and their support will be recognised in the same way as individual sponsors.

We will work with you so that your sponsorship achieves what you wish – for more information please contact us.

Endellion Quartet at Sledmere

Commercial Sponsorship

Our corporate partners have the opportunity to join us and promote their brands to our audiences, create thrilling and unique opportunities to entertain their stakeholders and colleagues, and support initiatives that enhance the Festival’s cultural and economic contribution to North Yorkshire.

We offer a superb range of corporate sponsorship and hospitality opportunities to suit any budget, as well as the opportunity to target our audience and associate your brand with the festival’s reputation for excellence. A concert can be the ideal occasion for entertaining clients and friends and we offer our sponsors special entertaining facilities as well as discounted or complimentary tickets. The festival team works closely with our sponsors to ensure that all possible advertising and promotional benefits are achieved.

Some businesses also offer in-kind support to the festival – offering services such as hotel accommodation, transport, or specialist assistance in exchange for advertising or other benefits. For more information on corporate opportunities at the Ryedale Festival please contact us.


The Festival offers a number of different advertising opportunities, including the Festival Brochure, published in April and distributed over four months to around 30,000 people throughout North Yorkshire. The Festival Souvenir Programme also offers a number of prestigious opportunities for advertising. This is a high quality colour publication distributed to around 500 people, containing commentaries on all the events, biographies of the artists and several articles on diverse subjects.

There are also advertising opportunities in the individual programmes produced for most festival events, typically reaching between 200-500 people, and in the Festival Magazine (Soh-Fahthat is published three times a year. For information on all of the above please contact us

Endellion Quartet at Sledmere

‘The Ryedale Festival has meant an enormous amount to me, both musically and socially. I felt that I wanted to leave money to ensure it can flourish in the future.’

Festival Supporter